Install Long-Lasting Ceramic Tiles for Your Shower Room!
Ceramic tiles are an affordable way to make your shower room look fresh and modern. They are an excellent option for anyone looking to add a bit of color and style to their shower room. While there are a variety of tile options to choose from, ceramic tiles offer a lot more than expected. Here’s why a ceramic tile installation is ideal for any shower room at home:
Slip Resistant
Slip resistance is a measure of how well a surface holds onto footwear. Ceramic tiles are a good option for bathrooms, kitchens, and other wet areas because they have excellent slip-resistance properties. This means that if you’re going to be stepping on your new ceramic tile flooring in the shower room, it won’t give way as easily as other materials. You’ll have fewer risks of slipping or falling out of nowhere!
A Lot of Ways to Dress Them Up
There are lots of ways to dress your ceramic tiles up. The tiles in our shower room are arranged in a grid pattern, with one tile per square foot. This gives us the opportunity to create patterns and borders around the bathtub or shower and sink area, as well as around the toilet bowl.
Easy to Clean
Ceramic tiles are easy to clean. They have a non-porous surface, so they can be cleaned with mild soap and water. This means that you’ll be able to wipe down your shower room easily without worrying about leaving any grime behind. Since ceramic tiles don’t absorb water as other materials do, they won’t get slippery when wet. It makes them perfect for people who have difficulty getting around in the shower room.
If you’re planning to install ceramic tiles for your shower room here in Norman, OK, you may reach out to T.G. Installations for high-quality ceramic tile installation services. For an appointment, call us at (405) 451-2574 today!