Tile Contractor Quick Tips

Tips for Properly Tiling a Bathroom

If you’re looking for fast tiling tips, then you have come to the right place. That is because the tiling tips here are meant to be quickies that you can absorb almost immediately if you are not going to hire a professional tile contractor and go down the DIY route instead.

Symmetrical Layout – Tiling from Center Outwards

This tiling tip is why tilers like to think “center outward.” If you start the tilework at one end and then working in the other direction, it will nearly always guarantee a weirdly sized tile at the far end that will stand out like a sore thumb. By thinking “center outward,” you could still end up with small tiles at extreme ends, however, at least they will be symmetrical.

Exposed Tile Edges

This is all about leaving exposed tile edges. There are many different ways that you can deal with tile edges, and this is a way that can work well. If you decide to do this, use Durock tile backer board to create a cleaner edge. Then simply paint the tile edge the same color as the wall to blend it all in.

Backsplash and Cabinet. Remember the Gap!

It is hard to gauge how close the tile backsplash will come up to the bottom of the cabinets. One way to do this is installing your cabinets after, that way you can make sure they exactly fit the top edge of the tile. However, this is creating a great deal of work for yourself, and cabinet positioning can only give you so much leeway.

Why not instead, cut slim pieces of tile that will fill in the gap. This is the best and most professional solution. Or, do what some DIY tilers do, simply ignore the gap altogether. Functionally, as it does not matter if there is a gap, as it is an area that very rarely gets seen anyway.

If you would like to make an appointment with our T.G. Installations tile contractor, please do not hesitate to call this number (405) 451-2574 today, we are based in the Norman, OK area.

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