Is Hardwood Your Best Choice?

All About Wood Flooring

Wood flooring is a durable and attractive flooring material that is also known for its beauty, even in difficult-to-reach areas. It is a popular choice among homeowners and builders because it can be installed quickly and easily. Wood flooring can be applied in a variety of ways. The most popular kinds of wood flooring are hardwood flooring, laminate flooring, and engineered wood. Each type of wood flooring will have its own advantages and disadvantages, which are as follows.

Wooden Flooring

One of the most commonly used types of flooring is wooden flooring. It is not as expensive as other types of flooring and can be made from a variety of materials, including solid wood, engineered wood, and laminate.

The material used for this type of flooring will impact the price of the overall installation. For example, solid wood flooring, which is made from a single piece of wood, is more expensive than engineered wood flooring, which is made from several pieces of wood that are held together with hardwood glue.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is a type of engineered wood flooring. It is made with a thin layer of wood to create the appearance of a solid wood floor. It is easy to install, both to install and to repair, and it has many advantages over solid wood flooring. These include its low cost, durability, and easy cleaning.

Laminate flooring has some disadvantages, however. It is not recommended for high-traffic areas because it scratches easily and is not very durable. It also is not recommended for areas that experience heavy foot traffic because if it gets damaged, it can be difficult to repair.

If you are looking for a Norman, OK based professional to install wood flooring, look no further than T.G. Installations. Call us today at (405) 451-2574 to find out what we can offer you.

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