Insights From a Well-Versed Hardwood Flooring Installer

Wood Flooring Myths Debunked

Wood flooring has a long history in the United States, and it is still considered by many to be the most appealing and durable type of flooring material available today. However, there is still a lot of misconception about this type of flooring, which can be an issue when you want to install or maintain wood flooring. This is especially true for those who are new to wood flooring. Below are 3 of the hardwood flooring misconceptions that you should be aware of!

Myth 1 – Wood floors are expensive.

The price of wood flooring is often a huge misconception! While it is true that wood flooring is more expensive than other types of flooring, it is still possible to install wood flooring and install it yourself for a reasonable price. When you hire a professional flooring contractor, you can rest assured that your floor will be installed to the highest standards and that you will get the most for your money.

Myth 2 – Wood flooring is difficult to maintain.

This is a common misconception about wood flooring, but it is actually one of the reasons why people choose to install wood flooring in the first place! Wood is more resistant to wear and tear than other types of flooring, which gives it the reputation of being more difficult to maintain. However, you can always hire a professional flooring contractor to do the installation and maintenance for you to ensure that your floor is always in good condition.

Myth 3 – Wood flooring is difficult to install.

While wood flooring can be more expensive, it’s not more difficult to install! In fact, because it is a type of flooring that is already pre-cut and ready to be installed, you can save yourself a lot of time and effort when compared to other types of flooring. You just need to be careful about which wood you choose, and you can always hire a professional to install and install your wood flooring for you if you aren’t confident about doing it yourself.

T.G. Installations is the flooring company you need! If you need our hardwood flooring installation service in Norman, OK, don’t hesitate to call us at (405) 451-2574 to book an appointment!

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