How Easy Is Tongue and Groove Vinyl Flooring to Work With

Tongue or Groove? Which to Install First

Which side is the tongue, which is the groove, and which goes first during the installation of tongue and groove vinyl flooring is a question many of our T.G. Installations clients ask us. The tongue is the side that you will want to place against the wall as you start your laminate flooring installation. If you mix the two up and begin with the groove side, you will have problems finishing the installation because you will install the floor backward. You should begin on the left wall and place the tongue facing the wall.

However, the tongue against the wall needs to be removed. You can use a sharp knife for the 7-mm or 8-mm product, but a 10-mm or 12-mm product will need a saw. It is important that you work from left to right to prevent any damage to the tongue on the short side of the board. Before you start your installation project, and after you have acclimated your flooring planks, it is recommended that you get all of your planks put in the same direction with the tongue side of every plank parallel to the wall that you will be installing it against.

You can start installing your flooring against any wall, but some are better than others. In general, you should run your laminate parallel to the main light source, as this reduces the seam visibility across the length of the product. To achieve this, you need to start on the wall either to the left or right of the primary light source. If there is no window or main light source, we recommend that you start against the longest wall.

If you would like to make an appointment for a tongue and groove vinyl flooring installation, please do not hesitate to contact us at (405) 451-2574 now if you live in or around the Norman, OK region.

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