Different Types of Hardwood Service

Achieving That Shine and Luster on Your Property

Hardwood has been used to build homes, commercial spaces, and even whole buildings for almost two centuries. It is still the most preferred material for flooring, especially in houses. Some people have even included wood floors in their business and they are slowly realizing the value of hardwood service. Hiring a professional service provider will make sure that your wooden floors will always be in great condition. Here is what an expert can do:

All-In Service

This is basically the most basic and most common type of service. This involves replacing the floors in your home with scratch-resistant, beautiful, and high-grade wood floors. This kind of service basically entails the removal of your current floors, installation of new ones, and then finishing and refinishing of the old flooring. This is surely the best option if you want to save a lot of money, but don’t want to compromise on the quality.


This will basically involve refinishing the old hardwood floors. This kind of service is a lot more expensive as you will have to replace the old floors with new ones, but it will make your old floors look new and beautiful, and it’s also the cheapest type of service. You should definitely go for this service if you want to save a lot of money and at the same time achieve that desired shine and luster in your floors.


This is one of the most accessible types of wood services, as painting is not too far from your reach, and is also one of the cheapest ones. You can also easily DIY this service if you want to save some money, as painting is not too difficult. The only problem with this service is that it cannot be as scratch-resistant as other types of service, so if you want to keep your flooring scratch-resistant, you should stick to refinishing or complete service.

Getting the best results by getting the right kind of hardwood services is important. If you are looking for an expert that can offer you the right kind of hardwood service in Norman, OK, then you can always get in touch with T.G. Installations at (405) 451-2574.

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