Common Mistakes People Make When It Comes to Bathroom Tile Installation

How to Tile a Bathroom the Right Way  

Tiles can be a wonderful addition to any bathroom, however, installing them can be fraught with hidden pitfalls and potential dangers. Many homeowners decide to lay their own tiles, only to find themselves in difficulties halfway through the project, or having to reach far deeper into their savings than they had originally planned to in order to get the project finished. So before you start any bathroom tile installation project, read this list of common tiling mistakes.

Using the Wrong Adhesive

When you are laying tile in a bathroom, you must use a waterproof adhesive. Even the most tightly fitted tiles will eventually get some water seeping in them, which will cause the non-waterproof adhesive to start crumbling and decaying. Since there is no way your bathroom floor and walls will not have some water splashed on them, failing to use a waterproof adhesive is a sure way to wasting your money and time.

Not Buying Enough Tiles

When it comes to tiles, we at T.G. Installations always advise having too many than too few. While most people will scoff at the idea of buying more tiles than they actually need, it is surprisingly easy to underestimate how many tiles that you will actually need to cover your entire bathroom. A rule of thumb to follow is to buy at least 15% more than you think you will need. Even if you do not use them, at least you will have some spare just in case some get broken.

Not Waiting to Apply the Grout

For most, their first instinct is to start applying the grout once they have laid the last tile. Sadly, doing this can result in a botched job that can be incredibly difficult to fix. As the adhesive dries, the tiles and the spaces between them will move slightly.

The distance is negligible mostly, however, it can make a huge difference if you’ve applied grout in the space between the tiles before they have had time to settle into their final position. Better to wait at least 24 hours before you apply the grout to avoid this problem.

To learn about the bathroom tile installation services that T.G. Installations has to offer you, and if you live in or around the Norman, OK area, please feel free to call us at (405) 451-2574 for an appointment today.

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