Common Tiling Mistakes—And How to Avoid Them
Bathroom tile installation is not the most challenging DIY project, however, in the hands of a layman, it is easy to make mistakes. To avoid any mishaps when installing tiles, here are the 4 most common mistakes amateur DIY enthusiast often make.
Incorrect Trowel Size
Make sure that the trowel you use for the tiling project matches the size of the tile. For example, larger tiles will require a deep layer of thin-set, meaning, you will need a trowel that has deep notches. When shopping for a thin-set, make sure that the bag has written on it, “large tile”, “medium bed,” or “large format”.
Cracking the Tile
Depending on what the tile is made from, tiles can often crack easily. Too many cracked or damaged tiles can quickly become expensive and wasteful. Fortunately, there are a few preventative steps that you can take to reduce the number of cracked tiles you end up with. The best tool when cutting tile is a diamond wet saw. When using one, make sure you apply slow and even pressure if you want to create a precise cut.
Improper Underlayment
In order for tiles to sit flat and level, the tile underlayment has to be correctly installed. Vinyl tile is a good underlayment when it isn’t damaged. A stiff base will stop any cracking. If the underlayment is not in good condition, install either a 1/4- or 1/2-inch cement board under the tile to build it up.
Tile is Laid Out Incorrectly
When a tile is installed using a diagonal pattern, there are precise steps you need to make. First, center the tiles by aligning each corner with a single layout line. Then, you will need to build the rest of the pyramid design around that. Use a straightedge to check the lines as you carry on laying the tiles.
If you want professional bathroom tile installation in or around the Norman, OK area, call T.G. Installations first at this number (405) 451-2574 today for an appointment.